Edible Sugar Art

sugar art


Sugar art is just like sand art, but better because you can eat it! This easy and creative project uses colored sugar and shaped plastic containers. Just layer the colored sugar to make your own edible designs.

Making your own colored sugar is super easy. Start with [brand:name] extra-fine granulated sugar and a few drops of food coloring. Pour your sugar in a color-safe bowl and slowly add food coloring to the sugar, one drop at a time.Rub the food coloring into the sugar with your hands until all sugar evenly colored. Add more dye as needed. If the color gets too dark, you can always add more sugar to the mixture.

Once you've gotten your desired color, spread the colored sugar out on a sheet of wax paper and let it dry for several hours before assembling your sugar art containers.


  • Small plastic sand art bottles
  • Multiple bowls of colored sugar
  • Small plastic funnels + spoons


  1. Creating sugar art is a simple, creative way for children of all ages to enjoy the beauty of sparkling color. Most craft stores sell various sizes of plastic bottles and small plastic funnels. Online sand art suppliers also offer empty bottle necklaces in lots of fun shapes - everything from cell phones to teddy bears.
  2. When it's creative assembly time, line up your bowls of sugar, funnels and let the children pick their favorite shape of bottle. Hand out the funnels, and let them start layering colors.
  3. When the layering is complete and the containers are full to the very top, seal the plastic container with a lid. Watch as your children share, compare and trade their sweet creations.
  4. If you decide to eat your sugar art, sprinkle it on your favorite sugar cookie before baking, on your cereal in the morning, or pour some out on a plate and dip fresh cut strawberries in it.
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