Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Pie





  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Prepare or thaw a 9-inch pie crust. Place in pie pan on a foil or parchment lined cookie tray for easy clean-up after baking.
  3. Melt butter and chocolate in a small saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Beat eggs in a bowl until frothy and then blend in sugar.
  5. Stir in syrup, vanilla, bourbon, salt and melted butter mixture until well blended.
  6. Arrange pecans on the bottom of pie crust and carefully pour mixture over them.
  7. Place in oven at 400°F. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 350°F and bake until the filling is set and slightly puffed, about 45 minutes.
Dixie Crystals Insight

To dress up the top of the pie as we have shown, place a paper doily on top of the cooled pie, sift powdered sugar over it and then gently lift the doily off of the pie. Rim the edge of the pie along the crust with fresh pecan halves.

Looking for an alcohol-free version? Try this Chocolate Pecan Pie recipe


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Apr 19, 2016

Took it to Dr. appointment with recipe Loved it

Kim O
Nov 27, 2014

This is more like a gooey brownie than an actual pie. Super rich and the bourbon is not overpowering.

Tarta de Chocolate, Borbón y Nueces Pecanas



  • 1 masa para tartas de 9 pulgadas
  • 1/4 taza mantequilla
  • 2 onzas chocolate sin endulzar
  • 3 huevos grandes
  • 1 taza Dixie Crystals Azúcar Granulada Extra Fina
  • 3/4 sirope azúcar caña o de maíz oscuro (tales como Steen’s)
  • 1 cucharadita extracto vainilla
  • 3 cucharadas Borbón
  • 1/4 cucharadita sal
  • 1 1/2 tazas trozos o mitades nueces pecanas


  1. Caliente el horno a 400° F.
  2. Prepare o descongele la masa para tartas. Póngala en un molde para tartas forrado con papel de aluminio o pergamino para facilitar la limpieza después de hornear.
  3. Derrita la mantequilla y el chocolate en una cacerola pequeña sobre fuego bajo. Retire del calor y deje enfriar.
  4. Bata los huevos hasta que estén espumosos, añada la azúcar.
  5. Añada el sirope, la vainilla, el Borbón, la sal y la mezcla de mantequilla y chocolate. Mezcle bien.
  6. Ponga las nueces pacanas sobre la masa para tartas, y añada la mezcla sobre ellas.
  7. Hornee a 400° F. Después de 10 minutos baje el fuego a 350° F y hornee hasta que el relleno esté firme y ligeramente hinchado, alrededor de 45 minutos.
Dixie Crystals Insight

To dress up the top of the pie as we have shown, place a paper doily on top of the cooled pie, sift powdered sugar over it and then gently lift the doily off of the pie. Rim the edge of the pie along the crust with fresh pecan halves.

Looking for an alcohol-free version? Try this Chocolate Pecan Pie recipe


Calificar y Reseñar
Apr 19, 2016

Took it to Dr. appointment with recipe Loved it

Kim O
Nov 27, 2014

This is more like a gooey brownie than an actual pie. Super rich and the bourbon is not overpowering.
