




  1. In saucepan over medium heat combine sweetened condensed milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, butter, and salt.
  2. Cook, stirring occasionally until mixture thickens and begins to pull away from sides of saucepan, about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, transfer to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and place in fridge to chill for 30 minutes or overnight.
  4. Spread powdered sugar on a plate. Lightly spray hand with nonstick cooking spray. With a spoon scoop out heaping tablespoon of chocolate mixture and with hands roll into smooth ball, then roll into powdered sugar until lightly coated.
  5. Place Brigadeiro on plate, chill until ready to serve.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Brigadeiros are named after Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, a Brazilian Air Force officer who ran for president in 1945. The sweet became popular during his campaign, and it has since become a beloved treat throughout Brazil. Today, brigadeiros are enjoyed around the world, and variations of the recipe can be found in many countries.

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Vianney Rodriguez

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  1. En una cacerola a fuego medio combine la leche condensada azucarada, el cacao en polvo sin azúcar, la mantequilla y la sal.
  2. Cocine, revolviendo ocasionalmente hasta que la mezcla espese y comience a separarse de los lados de la cacerola, unos 10 minutos.
  3. Retire del fuego, transfiera a un tazón, cubra con una envoltura de plástico y coloque en el refrigerador para que se enfríe durante unos 30 minutos o toda la noche.
  4. Esparcir azúcar en polvo en un plato. Rocíe ligeramente su mano con spray antiadherente para cocinar. Con una cuchara, saque una cucharada colmada de la mezcla de chocolate y con las manos enrolle en una bola suave, luego enrolle en azúcar en polvo hasta que esté ligeramente cubierta.
  5. Coloque el Brigadeiro en un plato, enfríe hasta que esté listo para servir.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Brigadeiros are named after Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, a Brazilian Air Force officer who ran for president in 1945. The sweet became popular during his campaign, and it has since become a beloved treat throughout Brazil. Today, brigadeiros are enjoyed around the world, and variations of the recipe can be found in many countries.

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Vianney Rodriguez

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