Brown Sugar Citrus Glazed Salmon





  1. Preheat oven to 425° F.
  2. Season salmon filets with salt and pepper. Transfer to a non-stick rimmed baking sheet. Set aside.
  3. Into a small sauce pan add: blood orange juice and sugar. Season with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat stirring until mixture combines and reduces by half.
  4. Baste salmon filets with 1/2 of sauce. Place into oven and bake for approximately 6 minutes.
  5. Baste salmon filets with remaining 1/2 of sauce. Return to oven and continue cooking for additional 6 minutes OR until salmon is flaky.
Dixie Crystals Insight

NOTE: Regular oranges can be used in place of the blood oranges when they are not in season.

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Paula Jones @bellalimento.

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Salmon con Glaseado Agrio de Azúcar Morena





  1. Precaliente el horno a 425 F.
  2. Sazone los filetes de salmón con la sal y pimienta. Transfiera a una bandeja anti adherente con bordes. Ponga a un lado.
  3. En una olla pequeña agregue: Jugo de la naranja de sangre y azúcar. Sazone con sal y pimienta. Cocine a fuego medio revolviendo hasta que la mezcla se reduzca a la mitad,
  4. Rocíe los filetes de salmón con 1/2 de la salsa. Coloque dentro del horno y hornee por aproximadamente 6 minutos.
  5. Rocíe los filetes de salmón con el resto 1/2 de la salsa. Devuelva al horno y continúe cocinando por 6 minutos o hasta que el salmón esté listo.
Dixie Crystals Insight

NOTE: Regular oranges can be used in place of the blood oranges when they are not in season.

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Paula Jones @bellalimento.

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