Chamoy Sauce & Chamoy Treats



Chamoy Sauce

  • 1 cup hibiscus flower
  • 3 guajillo peppers, stemmed and seeded
  • 2 pasilla peppers, stemmed and seeded
  • 6 chile de arbol peppers, stemmed
  • 3 dried prunes, pitted
  • 1 cup dried apricots
  • 1 cup dried mango
  • 2 pickled apricots, or substitute with fresh apricots
  • 1 medium peach, cut in quarters
  • 1 cup Dixie Crystals Extra Fine Granulated Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Dixie Crystals Light Brown Sugar
  • 1/3 cup white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons spicy salted chile powder
  • 1 teaspoon pink salt to taste
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 lime juiced

Chamoy Treats



Chamoy Sauce:

  1. In a large soup pot, add ingredients on list. Pour water and cook covered on stovetop for 40 minutes over medium heat. Add more water if needed.
  2. Once fruit and flowers are soft, mix is ready. Allow preparation to cool before blending.
  3. Blend mix until it becomes a somewhat thick sauce. Recommend use of a high performance blender.
  4. If using a regular blender, strain sauce and pour it into a saucepan again. Add lime juice and whisk until both come together.
  5. Finally, taste sauce and season with spicy chile powder and add salt to your preference.
  6. Jar chamoy sauce and keep refrigerated. Sauce will stay fresh for several weeks when properly stored.

Chamoy Treats:

  1. In a mixing bowl add sifted powdered sugar and mix with chile powder.
  2. Incorporate chamoy sauce and form a stiff dough.
  3. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and place it in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove plastic wrap and using a fruit baller form small chamoy treat balls.
  5. Place balls in a bowl with chamoy sauce and cover completely.
  6. Dust wet chamoy balls with powdered spicy ground pepper and serve inside paper liners.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Adriana Martin @AdrianasBestRecipes.

Tips and Replacements:

  • Tamarind is a suitable replacement for dried apricots.
  • We recommend the use of Tajin chile powder as it has citric acid, which helps with the development of authentic chamoy flavors.
  • Unsweeten cranberry juice concentrate is a suitable replacement for hibiscus flowers in case those aren’t found at the supermarket.
  • The chile de arbol is optional. For a less spicy sauce, reduce the number or do not use it.
  • Use a powerful blender and a good strainer for a velvety sauce consistency.
  • Due to high acidity, this chamoy sauce is suitable for canning.
  • Chamoy treats keep inside a tin with a lid and parchment paper. These treats will be fresh up to four days.
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Salsa Chamoy Y Dulces de Chamoy



Salsa Chamoy

  • 1 taza de flor de hibisco
  • 3 chiles guajillo, sin tallos y sin semillas
  • 2 chiles pasilla, sin tallos y sin semillas
  • 6 chiles de árbol, sin tallo
  • 3 ciruelas pasas secas, sin hueso
  • 1 taza de orejones
  • 1 taza de mango seco
  • 2 albaricoques en escabeche, sustitúyalos por albaricoques frescos
  • 1 durazno mediano y cortado en cuartos
  • 1 taza de Dixie Crystals Azúcar Granulado Extra Fina
  • 1/2 taza de [brand:name] Azúcar Morena Clara 
  • 1/3 taza de vinagre blanco o vinagre de sidra de manzana
  • 3 cucharadas de chile en polvo picante salado
  • 1 cucharadita de sal rosa al gusto
  • 4 tazas de agua
  • 1 jugo de lima

Golosinas de Chamoy




  1. For Salsa Chamoy, in una olla grande, agrega los ingredientes de la lista. Vierte el agua y cocina en la estufa con la olla tapada durante 40 minutos a fuego medio. Agrega más agua si es necesario.
  2. Una vez que la fruta y las flores estén blandas, la mezcla estará lista. Deja que la preparación se enfríe antes de licuar.
  3. Licúa la mezcla hasta que se convierta en una salsa algo espesa. Se recomienda el uso de una licuadora de alto rendimiento.
  4. Si usas una licuadora normal, cuela la salsa y viértela nuevamente en una cacerola. Agrega el jugo de lima y bate hasta que ambos se mezclen.
  5. Finalmente, prueba la salsa y sazónala con chile en polvo picante y sal según sea necesario.
  6. Envasa la salsa chamoy y mantenla refrigerada. Esta salsa se mantendrá fresca durante varias semanas si se almacena correctamente.
  7. Por dulces de chamoy, en un tazón, agrega el azúcar en polvo tamizada y mezcla junto con el chile en polvo.
  8. Incorpora la salsa chamoy y formar una masa firme.
  9. Cubre el recipiente con plástico y colócalo en el frigorífico durante 15 minutos.
  10. Retira la envoltura de plástico y con una cuchara o cortador de fruta forma pequeñas bolas de chamoy.
  11. Coloca las bolas en un tazón con salsa chamoy y cúbrelas por completo.
  12. Espolvorea las bolas de chamoy húmedas con chile en polvo y sírvelas dentro de los forros de papel.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Adriana Martin @AdrianasBestRecipes.

Tips and Replacements:

  • Tamarind is a suitable replacement for dried apricots.
  • We recommend the use of Tajin chile powder as it has citric acid, which helps with the development of authentic chamoy flavors.
  • Unsweeten cranberry juice concentrate is a suitable replacement for hibiscus flowers in case those aren’t found at the supermarket.
  • The chile de arbol is optional. For a less spicy sauce, reduce the number or do not use it.
  • Use a powerful blender and a good strainer for a velvety sauce consistency.
  • Due to high acidity, this chamoy sauce is suitable for canning.
  • Chamoy treats keep inside a tin with a lid and parchment paper. These treats will be fresh up to four days.
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