Dark Chocolate Guinness Cake with Bailey's Buttercream



Chocolate Bundt Cake

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour*
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
  • 3 oz dark chocolate, chopped
  • 1 cup Dixie Crystals Extra Fine Granulated Sugar
  • 1 cup Guinness beer
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg

Bailey's Buttercream Frosting

  • *Spoon & Sweep method: Use a spoon to fill measuring cup with flour until required amount is obtained. Scooping measuring cup directly into flour bag will firmly pack flour resulting in too much flour required for recipe.



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease one 8-inch round cake pan. Set aside.
  2. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda,and salt. Set aside.
  3. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, melt butter and chopped chocolate.
  4. Once melted, stir in sugar. Remove from heat and let cool for 5 minutes.
  5. Whisk in Guinness and vanilla extract until smooth. Quickly beat in egg until combined. Whisk in dry ingredients until smooth.
  6. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
  7. Let cake cool in pan until completely cool, then transfer to a cake plate and frost.


  1. Cream butter in bowl of a stand mixer on high until light and fluffy. Add Bailey's Irish Cream and beat until combined.
  2. Add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time, mixing thoroughly after each addition. After all sugar has been added, give it a taste and decide if you would like a little more Bailey's Irish Cream. If yes, add 1 teaspoon at a time until desired flavor is achieved.
  3. Transfer frosting to a piping bag, and pipe along the top of the cake. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Jessica Segarra @TheNoviceChef.

For a smooth and creamy buttercream frosting, all ingredients should be at the same temperature. If your liquid was not at room temperature the mixture cannot homogenize and will take on a curdled appearance (become soupy looking). This is a sign that the mixture is still too cold. Rapidly stirring and gentle warming will emulsify the buttercream to a smooth and creamy consistency. Continue to mix while using a hair dryer on the outside of mixing bowl until the perfect consistency is reached. For additional tips on how to make the perfect buttercream, watch our How to Fix a Broken Buttercream video.

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The Pancake Princess
Mar 10, 2023

One of the best cakes I've ever made! This cake was so moist and chocolatey and the frosting was subtly flavored and not too sweet. Two people asked for the recipe after I shared with cake with them. Will definitely be making again!

Feb 12, 2015

Excellent cake. Dark and dense. And the icing is to die for! Definitely a keeper.

Torta de Chocolate Oscuro y Guinness con Crema de Mantequilla y Bailey’s




  • 1 taza de harina todo uso*
  • 2 cucharadas polvo de cacao
  • 1 cucharadita polvo de hornear
  • 1 cucharadita bicarbonato de sodio
  • 1/2 cucharadita de sal
  • 4 cucharadas (1/2 barra) mantequilla sin sal
  • 3 onzas chocolate oscuro, picadito
  • 1 taza Dixie Crystals Azúcar Granulada Extra Fina
  • 1 taza de Guinness (cerveza Oscura)
  • 1 cucharadita extracto de vainilla
  • 1 huevo grande


  • *Método de cuchara y barrido: use una cuchara para llenar la taza de medir con harina hasta obtener la cantidad requerida. Si coloca la taza de medir directamente en la bolsa de harina, empacará la harina con firmeza y se necesitará demasiada harina para la receta.


  1. Precaliente el horno a 350 grados. Engrase una bandeja de torta redonda de 8 pulgadas. Coloque a un lado.
  2. En un envase mediano, cuele la harina, polvo de cacao, polvo de hornear y sal. ponga a un lado.
  3. En una olla mediana a fuego medio-alto, derrita la mantequilla y el chocolate en pedazos
  4. Una vez derretidos, agregue el azúcar mientras revuelve. Remueva del fuego y deje enfriar por 5 minutos.
  5. Agregue el Guinness y la vainilla y mezcle con una espumadora hasta que esté suave. Rápidamente agregue y bata los huevos hasta que todo este combinado. Agregue los ingredientes secos y bata con una espumadora hasta que todo esté bien mezclado.
  6. Vierta la mezcla en la bandeja de torta previamente preparada y hornee de 25 a 30 minutos, o hasta que un palillo salga limpio cuando sea insertado en el medio.
  7. Deje que la torta enfríe completamente en la bandeja, luego transfiera a un plato de tortas y agregue el glaseado.



  1. Bata la mantequilla hasta que se convierta en crema en el envase de una batidora eléctrica a alta velocidad hasta que esté suave y ligera. Agregue el Bailey’s Crema irlandesa y bata hasta que este combinado.
  2. Agregue el azúcar en polvo 1 taza a la vez, mezclando bien antes de cada adición. Después que toda el azúcar es agregada, pruébelo y decida si le gustaría agregar un poco mas de Bailey’s crema irlandesa. Si así lo desea, agregue una cucharadita a la vez hasta que alcance el sabor deseado.
  3. Transfiera el glaseado a una manga de repostería, y decore alrededor de la parte de arriba del pastel. Sirva inmediatamente o guarde en un contenedor sellado por hasta 3 días.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Recipe developed for Dixie Crystals by Jessica Segarra @TheNoviceChef.

For a smooth and creamy buttercream frosting, all ingredients should be at the same temperature. If your liquid was not at room temperature the mixture cannot homogenize and will take on a curdled appearance (become soupy looking). This is a sign that the mixture is still too cold. Rapidly stirring and gentle warming will emulsify the buttercream to a smooth and creamy consistency. Continue to mix while using a hair dryer on the outside of mixing bowl until the perfect consistency is reached. For additional tips on how to make the perfect buttercream, watch our How to Fix a Broken Buttercream video.

Calificar y Reseñar
The Pancake Princess
Mar 10, 2023

One of the best cakes I've ever made! This cake was so moist and chocolatey and the frosting was subtly flavored and not too sweet. Two people asked for the recipe after I shared with cake with them. Will definitely be making again!

Feb 12, 2015

Excellent cake. Dark and dense. And the icing is to die for! Definitely a keeper.
