Nutty Pumpkin Cheesecake





  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
  2. Butter a 9 inch spring form pan. Combine graham cracker crumbs, melted butter and first listed sugar and press on bottom of the pan. Place in oven for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 325°F.
  3. On low speed mix cream cheese and sugars until smooth and no lumps remain. Add one egg and mix on low speed until mixture is lump free. Repeat with remaining eggs, scraping well between additions.
  4. Add vanilla, pumpkin and spices and mix in.
  5. Pour cream cheese mixture in springform pan. Place in oven and bake about 50-65 minutes or until center no longer trembles when pan is tapped.
  6. Meanwhile prepare nutty topping by mixing all ingredients using an electric mixer or a food processor. Sprinkle nutty topping on cheesecake and return to oven for 10 minutes.
  7. Refrigerate pumpkin cheesecake at least 4 hours before cutting.
Dixie Crystals Insight

TIP: Cheesecakes cook from the outside in. To check for doneness, shake the pan gently. When the center no longer trembles your cheesecake should be ready.

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Wendy B
Nov 29, 2010

Great recipe. Big hit this Thanksgiving. I would include one minor step to the recipe. Include a 9x13 pan of water on the bottom rack of your oven. The steamy environment keeps the cake from cracking.

Big M
Nov 14, 2010

Hello ther i too have made this pie it was my late dads favorite. we all love i too just made one for Thanksgiving . ITS delicuices . MARIA

Pastel de Queso con Calabaza y Nueces



Para la masa:

Para el relleno:

Para la cubierta de nueces:




  1. Caliente el horno a 375° F.
  2. Engrase el fondo de un molde redondo con mantequilla. Mezcle las migajas de galletas Graham, con la azúcar y la mantequilla. Espárzala en el fondo del molde. Presione bien la masa al fondo del molde. Hornee por 15 minutos. Baje la temperatura del horno a 325° F.
  3. A baja velocidad mezcle el queso crema con las azucares hasta que la mezcla quede cremosa. Añada los huevos uno a uno batiendo bien  cada vez que cada huevo sea añadido.
  4. Añada la vainilla, el puré de calabaza, y las especias. Mezcle bien.
  5. Vierta la mezcla en el molde. Hornee de 50 a 65 minutos o hasta que el centro no tiemble.
  6. Mientras, en un envase mezcle todos los ingredientes para la cubierta de nueces usando un procesador de alimentos o batidora eléctrica de mano. Esparza la mezcla de nueces sobre el pastel, hornee por 10 minutos más.
  7. Coloque el pastel en el refrigerador antes de sacar del molde y servir.


Dixie Crystals Insight

TIP: Cheesecakes cook from the outside in. To check for doneness, shake the pan gently. When the center no longer trembles your cheesecake should be ready.

Calificar y Reseñar
Wendy B
Nov 29, 2010

Great recipe. Big hit this Thanksgiving. I would include one minor step to the recipe. Include a 9x13 pan of water on the bottom rack of your oven. The steamy environment keeps the cake from cracking.

Big M
Nov 14, 2010

Hello ther i too have made this pie it was my late dads favorite. we all love i too just made one for Thanksgiving . ITS delicuices . MARIA
