Royal Icing





  1. Sift together powdered sugar with meringue powder and place in a bowl.
  2. Add water and lemon juice and whip several minutes to a stiff mixture.
  3. Thin mixture with water or food coloring if desired.
  4. Cover immediately with plastic food film and ensure that food film touches royal icing.
  5. At this stage royal icing will be firm enough to pipe lines or edges on cookies etc. For “flooding” between lines or for royal icing which is more fluid, add a tiny amount of water or lemon juice.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Cookie decoration by Bridget Edwards of @Bake at 350.

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Glaseado de Realeza





Para el glaseado de Realeza, cierna la azúcar en polvo y las claras de huevo en polvo en un envase, añada el agua y el jugo de limón y bata la mezcla por varios minutos hasta lograr que la mezcla endurezca. SI desea puede añadir color vegetal para darle color y agua si la mezcla esta muy dura.


Dixie Crystals Insight

Cookie decoration by Bridget Edwards of @Bake at 350.

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