Sweet Potato Pound Cake



  • 1 very large sweet potato
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon cloves
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour*
  • 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, very soft
  • 1 1/4 cups Dixie Crystals Extra Fine Granulated Sugar
  • 3 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 2 tablespoons orange zest, no white bitter pith
  • 1 tablespoon orange juice
  • 2/3 cup Dixie Crystals Confectioners Powdered Sugar
  • *Spoon & Sweep method: Use a spoon to fill measuring cup with flour until required amount is obtained. Scooping measuring cup directly into flour bag will firmly pack flour resulting in too much flour required for recipe.


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Butter and flour a 9x5-inch loaf pan or bundt pan. Set aside. 
  3. Peel and cut sweet potato in small cubes. Boil in water until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain all water and mash until very smooth and no lumps remain. Measure 1 1/2 cups and set aside.
  4. Sift together all dry ingredients and set aside.
  5. Cream butter until light and fluffy. Add granulated sugar and mix further. Add eggs one at a time waiting for previously added egg to be fully incorporated before adding next. Scrape bowl often. Whip until the mixture is very light and fluffy. Add orange zest.
  6. Ensure that sweet potato puree is no longer warm and then add to above.
  7. Add dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
  8. Scrape batter into the prepared pan. Place in the oven, after being in the oven for 45 minutes drape a sheet of buttered aluminum foil gently on the surface of the pound cake. (Keeps cake from browning too much.)
  9. Bake for 1:15 or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Let sit in pan for 10 minutes before removing.
  10. Whisk together orange juice and powdered sugar and drizzle over cake.
Dixie Crystals Insight

**Ovens vary in temperature and loaf pan sizes as well, therefore when baking pound cakes, trust your baking instinct rather than time.

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Nov 26, 2017

This cake was very moist easy to make and delicious.

Nov 05, 2016

Does anyone know if this cake can be frozen?

Nov 19, 2017

Baked this cake this morning. Am looking for recipes to use for gift giving and this cake won hands down! It is an awesome cake. Only I thing I did different was add orange zest to the icing. Great recipe!

Apr 01, 2016

Beautiful cake. Popped out of the loaf pan (greased but not floured) neatly. Fine texture. Cake is not too sweet and not heavy. Slices great. Orange rind flavour stands out.

Will definitely add to my recipe box.

Bizcocho de Patata Dulce



  • 1 patata dulce muy grande
  • 2 cucharaditas de canela
  • 1/2 cucharadita jengibre
  • 1/4 cucharadita clavos de olor
  • 1 cucharadita polvo de hornear
  • 1/2 cucharadita bicarbonato de sodio
  • 1 cucharadita de sal
  • 2 tazas harina todo uso*
  • 3/4 taza (1 1/2 barras) mantequilla sin sal, muy suave
  • 1 1/4 tazas Dixie Crystals Azúcar Granulada Extra Fina
  • 3 huevos grandes, a temperatura ambiente
  • 2 cucharadas ralladura de naranja, sin la parte blanca amarga
  • 1 cucharada jugo de naranja
  • 2/3 taza Dixie Crystals Azúcar en Polvo Confeccionar
  • *Método de cuchara y barrido: use una cuchara para llenar la taza de medir con harina hasta obtener la cantidad requerida. Si coloca la taza de medir directamente en la bolsa de harina, empacará la harina con firmeza y se necesitará demasiada harina para la receta.


  1. Precaliente el horno a 350F
  2. Engrase con mantequilla y harina una bandeja de barra de pan de 9x5 pulgadas. Coloque a un lado. Si está utilizando una bandeja de 8x4 pulgadas utilice el resto de la mezcla para hacer unos ponquecitos extras.
  3. Pele y corte la patata dulce en cubos de igual tamaño. Ponga a hervir en agua hasta que estén suaves, alrededor de 15 minutos. Drene toda el agua y convierta en puré hasta que esté bien suave y no tenga ningún grumo. Mide 1 1/2 tazas y coloque a un lado.
  4. Cuele todos los ingredientes secos juntos y coloque a un lado.
  5. Bata la mantequilla hasta que este cremosa y esponjosa. Agregue el azúcar granulada y bata. Agregue los huevos uno a la vez esperando hasta que el huevo anterior este completamente incorporado antes de agregar el siguiente. Rape el envase varias veces. Bata hasta que la mezcla sea bien ligera y esponjosa. Agregue la ralladura de naranja.
  6. Asegúrese de que el puré de patata ya no esté caliente y agrégueselo a la mezcla anterior
  7. Agregue los ingredientes secos y bata hasta que esté bien combinado.
  8. Vierta la mezcla en la bandeja preparada. Coloque en el horno y baje la temperatura a 350F. Después de estar en el horno por 45 minutos coloque una hoja de papel de aluminio engrasado con mantequilla cobre la superficie del bizcocho. (esto previene que el bizcocho no se dore demasiado).
  9. Hornee hasta que el centro del bizcocho rebote cuando es presionado gentilmente con un dedo o se le inserta un mondadientes y sale limpio**. Alrededor de 1 horas y 15 minutos. Deje que enfrié en la bandeja por 10 minutos antes de remover.
  10. Bata juntos el jugo de naranja y el azúcar en polvo y rocié el bizcocho.
Dixie Crystals Insight

**Ovens vary in temperature and loaf pan sizes as well, therefore when baking pound cakes, trust your baking instinct rather than time.

Calificar y Reseñar
Nov 26, 2017

This cake was very moist easy to make and delicious.

Nov 05, 2016

Does anyone know if this cake can be frozen?

Nov 19, 2017

Baked this cake this morning. Am looking for recipes to use for gift giving and this cake won hands down! It is an awesome cake. Only I thing I did different was add orange zest to the icing. Great recipe!

Apr 01, 2016

Beautiful cake. Popped out of the loaf pan (greased but not floured) neatly. Fine texture. Cake is not too sweet and not heavy. Slices great. Orange rind flavour stands out.

Will definitely add to my recipe box.
